Sunday, May 10, 2020

Dear First Year Writing Assessment Committee - 1207 Words

December 1, 2015 Dear First year Writing Assessment Committee, This is my portfolio for the course of English 1010 for the fall semester. At the beginning of this class, I was terribly shy about my writing. I could feel my heart beat every time I was writing around other people. All through high school, I hated to write. I even hated to write small paragraphs because I was scared of seeing red marks all over my paper. I hated red marks so bad that I even start not looking at my papers that got handed back. The idea of people being able to read my writing and me not feel ashamed was never something that I could have fathomed. When I first enter the class English 1010, the teacher, Mrs. Bishop, assigned some reading. Of the reading assignments, the two that stuck out to me were written by Deborah Brandit and Malcolm x. The article written by Deborah Brandit was called â€Å"Sponsors of Literacy†. This article was about literacy sponsors, which are basically the things that control the spread of literacy. For example, the following are some literacy sponsors: teachers, schools, and parents. This article helped eliminate how big a part sponsors were in me learning to read and write as a child. The article written by Malcolm x is called â€Å"Learning to Read.† It really helped me understand how much control I really had in my literacy. It spoke about a man who was not all that educated, and how even though he was in prison he had the choice to become educated. It, also, taugh t me thatShow MoreRelatedDear Members Of The First Year Writing Assessment Committee Essay1097 Words   |  5 PagesDear members of the First-Year Writing Assessment Committee, In my English 1010 class, I have learned to do a number of things through writing essays. I have written a Literacy Narrative, a Discourse Community Analysis, and a Writing Research essay. 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