Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Holding on to Our Heirtage in a Unique Exhibit by Renée...

Renà ©e Stout: Tales of the Conjure Woman is one of the most unique exhibits you will ever come across in life. Conjure is to maneuver the paranormal forces, using roots, charms and nonliving and handmade articles. Renà ©e Stout was a true conjure woman because she discovered two alter egos within herself, Fatima Mayfield and Madam Ching. She has the enchanted characteristic to observe the world through two sets of eyes, the spiritual and the physical realm. Renà ©e Stout’s art embodies contemporary hoodoo with a combination of African folkloric practices. Through her artwork, Stout conserves the religious heritage of Africans by denouncing colonialism and imperialism, aligning herself with Pan-Africanism, and reimaging African religious traditions through hoodoo. By observing Stout’s exhibit, Tales of the Conjure Woman, one can see she was heavily influenced by the practice of hoodoo. According to Merriam-Webster, hoodoo is a body of practices of sympathetic magic traditional especially among blacks in the southern United States (Merriam Webster). One of the main concepts she focused on her exhibit was colonialism. Colonialism is the control or governing influence of a nation over a dependent country, territory, or people. Much has happened in terms of the development of African-American religion and African-American culture. For example, in American slavery, Africans were snatched from their own belief systems. When they were brought to America, they were taught that

Monday, December 16, 2019

Good in the Moral Context Free Essays

GOOD IN THE MORAL CONTEXT i. e. OBJECTIVISIT, SUBJECTIVIST AND FUNCTIONALIST ‘Good’ can be described from three views: †¢Objectivist †¢Subjectivist †¢Functionalist Objectivist point of view One main philosopher who defended the objectivist point of view was George Edward (G. We will write a custom essay sample on Good in the Moral Context or any similar topic only for you Order Now E. ) Moore. In his book Principia Ethica, Moore discussed the definition of the word ‘good’. With this book he influenced the philosophers who came after him. The objectivist point of view is naturalism i. e. (what moral law predictates, usually from the natural law). In defining the word ‘good’, G. E. Moore attacks the objectivist point of view. He criticizes the naturalistic point of view. Moore, an intuitionist (meaning he is someone who decides if something is good or wrong by reflecting on his own, without anyone explaining to him) disagreed that good could be explained objectively. Moore criticised Utilitiarians as they were emotivists, i. e. depending on feelings. Thus they defined ‘good’ according to feelings. So good = pleasure. Thus utilitarians do not judge whether an action is good or bad by the quality of the action but by the consequence of the effects. Moore also criticised Christian morality, because these reason an action is good because it pleases God. He said, something is not defined as good because it pleases someone else. Moore invented an interesting term called ‘The Naturalistic fallacy’. Naturalistic fallacy, according to Moore, is to define a term, in this case ‘good’ by means of something which is a state of fact. To explain ‘good’ in terms of pleasure, is committing a Naturalistic fallacy. His reasoning is as thus: if something gives me pleasure, and thus because of this feeling, I say it is good; I conclude, since it is good, then I ought to do it – this is a wrong conclusion. ‘Is’ is a statement of fact, while ‘ought’ is a moral statement. Moore was an intuitionist. Moore says that the word ‘good’ is not defined by its natural qualities (the qualities which are natural to something and which describe the object e. g. a red, juicy strawberry. If someone is asked why the strawberry is good, his answer will be, ‘because it is red and juicy’ thus defining ‘good’ by its natural qualities). For Moore, good is good and cannot be defined. The objectivists say that moral terms are explained by means of natural qualities. Objectivism is the view that the claims of ethics are objectively true. They are not relative to subject or culture. A term is defined as thus because it is as thus. So good is good not because of feelings or situations, the definition of which would be from a subjectivist point of view, giving rise to relativism. ‘Good’ is defined as thus, because the actions showing good are inscribed in us in the natural law. So according to objectivists, ‘good’ is described by its natural qualities. Naturalism, which the objectivists used, is a term which interprets the word as it is standing for natural characteristics. This may be misleading as good might stand for a quality of pleasure or for something to be desired, and this is not always right. Something pleasurable may in actual fact be wrong. One argument against naturalism, which the objectivists use, is that attribution (is) is confused with identity (ought). ‘Is’ is a statement of fact, while ‘ought’ is a moral statement. These (‘is’ and ‘ought’) are sometimes confused. Thus if something is pleasurable, thus it is good, thus it ought to be done, is (1) a wrong definition of ‘good’, (2) a wrong assumption as not all pleasures are good. One cannot equate good with solely pleasure. Moore goes deeper. In defining a word, he tried to split it into simpler terms. According to Moore, ‘good’ cannot be split into any simpler terms as it is already in the simplest term. So Moore’s philosophy states that ‘good’ is ‘good’. ‘Good’ is indefinable. Subjectivist point of view Subjectivism means that what is right or wrong is defined from the perspective of one’s attitudes, one’s theories and one’s emotions. Subjectivism is based on feelings, and as a result of emotivism. Subjectivism may also be called emotivism. Subjectivism is ethical values expressed in emotional values; personal emotions which can differ from one person to another. Thus there is no fixed standard, no norm, no mean. David Hume He is a basic figure in subjectivism. He was a 17th century philosopher. Hume was also an empiricist (tries to tie knowledge to experience) as he did not use rationalism (reason) but got experience from things around him. Hume said that all we know comes from around us, from our senses 9what we see, what we feel). Decante on the other hand used rationalism. Kant tried to fuse empiricism and rationalism. Hume thus says that a person, basically, is a bunch of sense experiences. He also says that the senses can never lead us to the universal truth. We cannot say that something is right or wrong just from our senses. According to Hume, ethics is not built on reason (which is what Aristotle says) but on the senses. The universal truths (which are basically what the natural law states – do good to others, harm no one etc) are simply cut off by Hume’s subjective approach. Hume emptied ethics from any rational foundation – he shifted ethics based on reason (like that of Aristotle) to ethics based on emotions or feelings. Hume says not to look for reason but for sentiments – thus if something feels good – do it. He said that passion not reason is what leads us to do something – reason alone is ineffective. According to Hume, it is sentiments and not reason which are the foundations of morality. Hume said that statements like ‘This car is red’ (descriptive) and ‘This action is good’ (evaluative) are statements both of the same nature. He mixed descriptive and evaluative argument. In the statement, ‘This person is good’ one is not saying something about the person, but it is my reaction towards that person. Three philosophers affected by Hume were AJ Ayer, CL Stevenson and Hare. AJ Ayer According to Ayer, when we make a judgement, it can be classified as 1. empirical or factual 2. logical or analytical 3. emotive Ayer said that ethical statements are non-statements because you cannot verify them (as in analytical statements) and you cannot make them as a statement of fact (empirical statement or factual). Ethical statements such as good, just expresses one’s emotions (emotivism) – a statement depending on one’s feelings. For Ayer ethical statements are meaningless. Ethical concepts, such as good, cannot be analysed because they are not real oncepts at all – they are false concepts. He stated, ‘The presence of an ethical symbol (good is an ethical symbol) in a statement adds nothing to its factual content, meaning nothing is stated about the nature of the ethical symbol. Thus ‘good’ has no value when describing someone or something – for Ayer ‘good’ was just a way of expressing a feeling about the person/object concerned. CL Stevenson Statements such as ‘good’ do not say anything about state of facts but says only about one’s behaviour, one’s attitudes and one’s feelings. Ethical statements such as ‘good’ do not express a belief, only attitudes. Beliefs are based on reason, attitudes and one’s emotions (emotive). ‘Moral discourses are primarily not informative but influential’, says Stevenson. Thus when I say ‘John is good’, I am expressing my feelings and at the same time influencing others by my statement. Stevenson, being emotive, says that ethical language, such as good, does not give us information about the person or object – they simply express one’s emotions. They simply intent to inform, they do not say anything about the nature. Hare While Ayer and Stevenson said that ethical statements are non-rational, non-logical, Hare is introducing rationality. He says that by a statement one influences another person, if the latter accepts it, and to do so he must understand it and he has to use his reason. Another point that Hare brought up is that an ethical statement can be 1. emotive 2. action guiding To guide it involves rationality. So ethical statements are not simply giving a piece of information, but action guiding (presciptivism – moral commitment to the giving or accepting of a command). Hare says that ‘a right action is one which ought to be done’ while ‘a wrong action is one that ought not to be done’. The prescriptive theory holds that the words ‘good’ or ‘bad’ are used not simply to command but to comment (=give an advice to do or not to do). ‘Good’ as applied to objects. It is important to distinguish between ‘meaning’ and ‘criteria’. Meaning always has a value, but criteria (the description) is different. ‘This marker is good’ or ‘This microphone is good’. The meaning is the same as the marker writes and the microphone amplifies sound. As applied to people, if I say, ‘John is a good man’. If we stick to the idea of Hare, that moral discourse, ethical statements, are action guiding, am I saying that ‘if you want a good man choose John’. It does not make sense. So when we place human beings as morally good, we are not talking about use or function. Hare deals with the distinction of the function and by treating the moral sense of good, it becomes an advice for imitation rather than a choice. A weak point of Hare: he still says that moral statements (such as good) still not saying anything about the person, but simply is a matter of influencing others and telling others to imitate him. Moral discourse is not only influential but action guiding – brings in rationality. He is still an emotivist saying that if an object is good, I am action guiding you; if a person is good I am just telling you to imitate him. Functionalist approach The functionalist approach is defining good in terms of aim and purpose. Good is the fulfilment of a function. For example a marker is good because it fulfils its function – it writes. If you are saying something is good, you are saying something about the object. O am not reflecting my emotions on an object (thus not an emotivist). A functionalist approach is based on its function. An emotivist approach is based on the attitude. A person chooses the good from the bad chooses a good life, because we are aiming at a ‘goal’ at an ‘end’. Aristotle is saying that there is something in-built in every object, in every person, to seek the good – the good being that at which all things aim. For a person to live a good life, he must understand the purpose of the human life. The purpose of human life is common to all humans, from a philosophical point of view – to have a good life. Aristotle defined end or purpose as ‘that for the sake a thing is done’ and good ‘as that at which all things aim’. Aristotle aid that God and nature do nothing in vain – that everything in the universe has been created to achieve a particular purpose. According to Aristotle the purpose of all human beings is the same. To understand the meaning of the word ‘good’ and of the ‘good life’, we have to understand the purpose of the human life and thus the metaphysics of the universe. In attempting to answer the meaning of ‘good’, Aristotle looked at the dynamic elements of the world around us (oak tree, chimpanzees, humans and so on). This is the general characteristics which defines Aristotle’s philosophy (metaphysics and ethics) and teleological (the study of the ends and purpose of things). According to Plato’s metaphysical views, he came with two kinds of worlds, the world of ideal and the world of reality. What we see is not the real world but an imitation of the ideal world. So substance in the ideal world is not included in the real world. Aristotle was Plato’s student but he still rejected Plato’s approach. Aristotle brought together the world of ideal and the world of reality. What we see is not an imitation – it is real. To explain the universe, Aristotle gave the theory of the four causes. 1. natural cause 2. formal cause 3. effective cause 4. final cause The theory of the four causes explains the dynamic nature of all the animate objects including human beings. In that way we can understand the goal, the purpose of the life of a human being, thus the meaning of a good life and the meaning of the word good. Metaphysics gives us a way of understanding reality how the human person acts and behaves, this behaviour can be living a good or a bad life. Ethics and metaphysics are distinct but interrelated. The theory of the four causes goes to explain, that if we think of an example of something which is produced by an agent such as a statue – then Material cause – that which constitutes the statue eg marble Formal cause – the pattern or blue print determining the form and the result Efficient cause – agency producing the result eg tools, sculpture Final cause – the sake for which the cause is produced ie the end towards which the production is directed In the case of humans: Material cause – genes Formal cause – human Efficient cause – freedom, intention, responsibility, practical reasoning Final cause – the good life In humans the efficient cause and final cause are dependent of the formal cause – the fact that I am a human being. We are free to make choices in the efficient cause, choosing responsibility or lack of it, thus effecting the final cause. Aristotle also spoke about potency and actuality. Potency is the potentiality of something or someone – characteristics, which if cultured, become actual. Actuality means when something, which is potential, becomes actual. So we have to ask†¦what is our potentiality? We have a potential to reach our goal in life. Conclusion Having been exposed to these three views, in the definition of the word ‘good’, I think that subjectivism is the view which least defines well the word ‘good’. This view shows relativism and emotivism. To define a word well, especially one with a moral value/a virtue, there has to be a norm, a mean, a standard and subjectivism fails to do this. On the other hand, the functionalist definition of the word ‘good’ is the best definition of all as it shows a standard – its function; so there is no relativism involved. How to cite Good in the Moral Context, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Inhumanity of Mankind in Othello Essay Example For Students

Inhumanity of Mankind in Othello Essay Inhumanity of MankindThe inhumanity of mankind is displayed all throughout Othello. In every act and scene it is the main underlying theme from the simplest of degrading comments from Brabantio to the complex schemes thought up by Iago to ruin Othello, have his wife dead, and get money from Roderigo. This in my mind is what the play really revolves around. Othello never rises in this play. From the very beginning they show this mans demise and the people who are doing it to him. Othellos death and destruction is forshadowed from the very first act of the play when Roderigo is putting pressure on Iago to get him the girl he promised and payed so much money tohave. Iago already dispises Othello for promoting Cassio instead of him to lieutenant and then says he is plotting against Othello to further himself and to help his rich nobleman friend, Roderigo. This is the type of undermining and digusting behavior you can expect from Iagothroughout the play who is the finest example of inhumane people in the play. Roderigo is also aperfect example in this situation because he knows that Iago is plotting against Othello in such away that will end up with him dead. Another perfect example of inhumane behaior in Othello is Barbantios taunting. When Othello was chosen to lead his men into war Barbantio could not help, but insist that Ohello some-how put his daughter in some sort of trance or flat out manipulated her into marrying Othello. Hemade Othello look like a fool in front of the very people who felt he was a great man. In the placewhere Othello felt most comfortable and powerful Barbantio made him look and feel like he was two inches tall without the slightest bit of remorse for doing so. Another citation that could be used from the play to show inhumane behavior is the overall dedication of Iago to ruin Othellos life. He plots to make Othello believe that his wife is cheating on him with Roderigo which leads to her death. This is only because he didnt get thepromotion to lieutenant that he felt he deserved. Iago single handedly destroyed Othellos life,stole Roderigos money, and caused the death of Othellos life; all with a smile on his face. All throughout Othello we are reminded of the inhumanity of mankind. Iago was the most prominent character with such behavior, but you could make a case that every character was atsome time was inhumane. Even from Othello who killed his wife because he simply thought she was being dishonest without actually finding out the truth. If you ask my opinion the theme of this paper is the very them of the book Othello.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Health Care System Essays - Health Economics,

The Health Care System More Nobel Prizes in physiology and medicine have been won by doctors or scientists working in the United States than the rest of the world. It is widely accepted that the best training and education is available in the United States in the field of medicine. Despite the fact that over $750 billion is spent on health care in the United States, more than 30 million Americans have no medical coverage and over 100 million are reportedly underinsured according to Nancy Watzman, of the Washington Monthly. We spend 14 percent of our Gross National Product (GNP) on health care each year, while our neighbors to the north, the Canadians, spend only nine percent of their GNP on the same but cover 100 percent of their citizens. If the Canadians can manage to cover every one of their citizens, then we, ?The People?, must find a way to do the same. We have one of two options; either we can spend billions of dollars inventing a new health care system for the United States, or we can be frugal and efficient by adopting the Canadian model of national health care and merely customizing it to fit our own needs. And, although critics may decry the prudence of implementing a system based on socialized medicine, there would be minimal to no sacrifice in coverage, cost, and quality of health care as compared to what little health coverage we have today. If we model our system after the Canadians' then this would mean all people share the same waiting rooms, the same doctors, the same equipment, and receive the same medical care. This also alleviates the problem of some Americans receiving the best medical attention available in the world while others receive miserable attention or none at all. This idea of universal coverage sounds wonderful if you have no medical insurance currently, but it is unthinkable if you are accustomed to private rooms in hospitals and hospital meals prepared by gourmet chefs. But if this is what you are accustomed to, you belong to a small minority of Americans. Only ten percent of Americans approve of our ?health care system?, while 56 percent of Canadians approve of theirs (Goodman 35). Perhaps the disgruntled 90 percent majority could also vote the right people into congress to change the health care system to provide universal coverage here in the United States. We could not only provide universal coverage, but we could cover everyone at a lower cost for health care than we are currently paying. It actually costs less to supply medical coverage for the average Canadian than it does for the average American. A Canadian who earns the equivalent of $26,000 US dollars pays about $1,300 a year for medical coverage, while an American earning the same amount pays $2,500 per year according to Mark Kelly of the Chicago Tribune. And it's not only the citizens who would save money. The General Accounting Office estimates conservatively that at least $68 billion could be saved in paperwork costs alone if the United States switched to a national health plan. That amount itself would be enough to pay for all the uninsured citizens in the United States with some money left over for lollipops for the kids. It may be argued that these cost savings will come at the price of quality of patient care, but that is just another myth propagated by the American Medical Association, which is easily debunked by facts. If we take the $68 billion in administrative savings and subtract the estimated $12 billion it would cost to extend the same quality of care for the uninsured as the currently insured are receiving, we are left with $56 billion to do with as we wish. Furthermore, how can we even begin to talk about a decline in patient care when the numbers of the uninsured are so staggering? If over 130 million U.S. citizens, or over half of the United States' population, are currently uninsured or underinsured and we provide them some kind of medical coverage, this in itself is a significant improvement in quality of care for these people. The fault lies with the doctors who are used to providing state of the art care for the economically advantaged

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

As The Footsteps Came Closer †Short Story

As The Footsteps Came Closer – Short Story Free Online Research Papers As The Footsteps Came Closer Short Story They had a perfect life. They had married just three months ago and moved into a big new house with a huge garden quite far away from London but near enough for him to go to his office in the Bank of England and be back home at seven o’clock every day. She was, in turn, a beautiful, rich and elegant young lady who loved his husband but unfortunately could not take personal care of their garden. As they entered the new house, they decided to look for an expert gardener. Nowadays, it is not easy to find a responsible gardener who does more than simply using the landmower and watering the plants. Some days thereafter, just in time to stop the grass from becoming a wild prairie, Lady Thornton recommended â€Å"the perfect landscape gardener†. The gardener, who was in his forties, introduced himself to the couple in a sunny morning of June. Well dressed and cleaner than the Holy Grial, he appeared to be an educated and polite person. Everything perfect but, perhaps, his eyes. Piercing eyes of a deep and uneasy greenish colour. Only had four days passed when the family house’s garden looked as a small replic of the Garden of Eden. The gardener used to start his works very early in the morning and at dusk he walked out the garden iron-barred doors and disappeared until the following day. After a pair of weeks, the usually silent gardener surprisingly told the young lady that the bushes, the gardenias and the oaks would require a higher extra dose of animal protein to grow up stronger. That was indeed a strange comment, even for that well-informed woman. Trying not to show up how startled she was, the housewife answered that she wouldn’t be able to help him but that he was absolutely free to manage in order to provide the plants with the doses of protein, regardless its cost. That night the happy married couple went to bed with the feeling that something was wrong or misplaced at home. A soft, rotten smell came up from somewhere outside. At midnight, they suddenly woke up at the same time: somebody was in their house. The husband, much more used to cope with bankers than with intruders, tried to call the police when he discovered that the line had been cut off. Grasping a golf club, the young couple went slowly downstairs. In the kitchen, the gardener’s green eyes were staring them. Dazed by that snake-like look, they dropped the golf club and started to step back while they heard the elegant gardener’s voice saying â€Å"Human proteins are the best for gardenias†. Now totally terrified, the fancy couple run down to the cellar, in a last attempt to escape from an unconceivable brand new horror: to be part of the dietary plan of their own flowers and trees. They tried to lock the cellar’s door and walked blindly holding their breath to its farthest corner. They stood together in the dark and waited, as the footsteps came closer†¦ Research Papers on As The Footsteps Came Closer - Short StoryThe Spring and AutumnThe Fifth HorsemanThe Hockey GameHip-Hop is Art19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceThree Concepts of PsychodynamicGenetic EngineeringComparison: Letter from Birmingham and Crito

Friday, November 22, 2019

The 55 Biggest Colleges in the United States

The 55 Biggest Colleges in the United States SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You might be interested in attending a big college, but just how big are you thinking? Some schools have over 40,000 undergraduates, making them the size of a small city. These schools can provide great opportunities to students, but they can also be a little overwhelming. In this article, I’ll give you a list of the 55 biggest colleges for undergraduates in the US along with student feedback about what it’s really like to be part of such a large college community. Why Are These Colleges So Big? Most of the biggest colleges are public state universities. It makes sense that these schools attract the most students because they provide incentives for students who live in the state to attend. The largest schools are located in the most populous states. Thus, California, Texas, and Florida (the three most populous states in the US) are home to many of the schools on this list. These schools are also large because they are meccas for academic research and offer a wide variety of programs to students. Being located in populous states means that these universities must cater to diverse groups of people, leading to the creation of more academic options and research facilities that encourage even more students to enroll. It’s essentially a cycle of increasing returns for the schools. Public universities also have the resources to grow their campuses and facilities through government support. There are some very large private colleges, but it’s difficult for them to rival the size of government-funded public universities. Other circumstances have contributed to the growth of big private colleges, from wealthy alumni to religious connections. For example, Brigham Young University- the private college with the largest undergraduate population- has grown so large mainly due to its affiliation with the (rapidly expanding) Mormon Church. What’s It Like at a Huge College? Here are some testimonials from students about what it’s like to attend three of the largest colleges in the country. Texas AM University â€Å"I don't regret one moment, because I loved the overall camaraderie of the school- they don't call it the friendliest campus in America without reason!† â€Å"I am a theatre major at Texas AM, a program most people are unaware even exists. It is tough being in a small department in a large school, but simply due to the Aggie Network and facilities present for all students, even those of us in small departments are learning as much as we possibly can.† â€Å"Students have access to different student services, like a writing center that will help with papers and research, a testing center that will help you to study better and make learning easier, an on-campus health center, and even small things that make huge differences like 300 free prints a semester in the computer center and access to free programs at the recreation center.† â€Å"Texas AM is an excellent university for those students who love or don't mind traditions.† The administration building at Texas AM Purdue University â€Å"I really enjoy the classes I am taking, and the social life is awesome! There is definitely something for everyone. Whether you are wanting to get involved in Greek life or maybe just a few clubs, it all is available at Purdue. Being able to attend Big Ten sporting events isn't so bad either.† â€Å"Purdue has something to offer for everyone, no matter where they come from, what their major is, or what their interests are. It is a well-rounded university, full of students who are proud to study there.† â€Å"I used to think I wanted to go to a small school, but at Purdue, you get both the big-school and small-school experience. Attention in classes (sometimes you have to seek it out, but it's there), but huge atmosphere where the possibilities are endless.† A fountain on Purdue's campus UCLA â€Å"It will be entirely up to you to do homework problems and to go to office hours for questions and insight. Self-motivation, especially in science and math courses, is a key factor to success here.† â€Å"At UCLA, the world awaits. Shy and overly reserved people will miss out on all that the school has to offer.† â€Å"At this university, I am receiving the total package: academics, research, and world-renowned athletic programs. I can honestly say that the balanced undergraduate experience I am obtaining is worth every penny.† â€Å"With hundreds of student organizations available every year, UCLA makes it easy to find one’s niche.† â€Å"The diversity here is truly astounding, with people from all types of backgrounds, and you truly gain a more global perspective.† The UCLA campus At these schools, you can expect virtually endless resources, diversity, and extracurricular activities, but you have to be willing to get yourself out there and be self-motivated. If you’re a driven, outgoing student, you’re likely to thrive at a huge college. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. The Biggest Colleges (Public and Private) I’ve included two lists: one for the biggest public colleges, and one for the biggest private colleges. The public colleges below have more than 25,000 undergraduates, and the private colleges have more than 15,000 undergraduates. I did not include colleges where a large portion of the student body is composed of online students because this doesn’t create the same environment as a school that has a huge on-campus population. All schools below are arranged by undergraduate enrollment, from largest to smallest. In addition, all enrollment statistics are for fall 2018 unless otherwise noted. Biggest Public Colleges in the US by On-Campus Undergraduate Enrollment College Undergraduate Enrollment University of Central Florida 58,913 Texas AM University - College Station 53,743 The Ohio State University - Columbus 46,820 Arizona State University - Tempe 42,844 UT Austin 40,804 Penn State University - University Park 40,363 Michigan State University 39,423 Utah Valley University 39,397 Florida International University 37,047* Rutgers University - New Brunswick 36,039 University of Florida 35,491 University of Arizona 35,223 California State University - Northridge 34,900 California State University - Fullerton 34,468 Texas State University 34,200 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 33,673 University of Alabama 33,028 Indiana University - Bloomington 32,991 Purdue University 32,672 Kennesaw State University 32,274 University of South Florida - Tampa 32,238 University of Washington - Seattle 32,099 Texas Tech University 31,957 UCLA 31,577 University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 31,455 California State University - Long Beach 31,447 University of North Texas 31,347 University of California - Berkeley 30,853 University of Maryland - College Park 30,762 University of California - Davis 30,718 San Diego State University 30,392 University of Wisconsin - Madison 30,360 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 30,318 University of Colorado Boulder 30,152 University of California - Irvine 29,736 Temple University 29,672 Iowa State University 29,621 University of Georgia 29,611 Florida State University - Tallahassee 28,728 University of Texas at Arlington 28,329 California State University - Sacramento 28,317 University of Texas at San Antonio 27,988 Weber State University 27,465 San Josà © State University 27,271 Georgia State University 27,190 Northern Arizona University 27,078 University of Cincinnati 26,932 University of South Carolina 26,733 San Francisco State University 26,436 George Mason University 26,192 *Fall 2019 data Biggest Private Colleges in the US by On-Campus Undergraduate Enrollment College Undergraduate Enrollment Brigham Young University 31,441 New York University 29,406 University of Southern California 19,907 Boston University 18,515 Northeastern University 18,448 More Resources for Researching Big Colleges If you know you're interested in attending a big school but aren't sure which one is right for you or are worried about how different it will be from high school, consider checking out the following books: Princeton Review's The Complete Book of Colleges and the Fiske Guide to Colleges - These huge, comprehensive tomes include information about hundreds of colleges across the US, so you can easily compare and contrast your options. Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania by Frank Bruni - If you're stressed about finding the perfect school, check out this argument for being a bit more relaxed when planning your future. The System: The Glory and Scandal of Big-Time College Football by Jeff Benedict and Armen Keteyian - If you're interested in a college with a big sports program, this deep dive into the scandals of college sports is essential reading. Educated by Tara Westover - This memoir describes the author's journey from her isolated, abusive childhood to college at Brigham Young University and graduate school at Cambridge. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - This popular novel recounts Cath's difficulties adjusting to college life in her first year at University of Nebraska. What's Next? Is a big college the right choice for you? Read my article on deciding whether big or small schools will work better for your goals and personality. Worried about increasingly higher tuition price tags? Find out how much it really costs to attend college. Another decision you'll have to make before you apply to college is how far away you want to go. Check out this article on whether you should attend college close to home. These recommendations are based solely on our knowledge and experience. If you purchase an item through one of our links, PrepScholar may receive a commission. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

To what extent do you agree with the view that HRM is probably the Essay

To what extent do you agree with the view that HRM is probably the most culturally sensitive of all managerial functional areas - Essay Example Furthermore, an organization’s socio-cultural environment affects the adaptation of Human Resource Management Strategies and different cultural contexts pose different challenges. For firms doing business in multicultural environments or generally across cultures parochial views to management of human resources can proof disastrous. This paper looks into the strong interrelationship that exists between Human Resource Management (HRM) and people’s culture. Theories that have been developed to explain the phenomenon are also to be explored. Today’s business environment has taken a turn to be one that is highly globalised meaning that a firm operating in a certain area or country, it does not necessarily expect to have people of that area only or even that country alone (Lawson & Shen 1998). This therefore stipulates that such kind of an organization should expect to have a workforce that is multiethnic or exhibiting variations in cultural backgrounds. This hereby calls for the HR Manager or the management to embrace this fact so as to ensure survival in the increasingly competitive and volatile global business environment. Just but to give an example is the tendency where firms from the developed countries set camp in developing countries and move ahead to adopt standard HRM approaches to their new workforce. This kind of approach tends to undermine the cultural reality of the people and these strategies before long crumble to the management’s amazement. This not withstanding, knowledge of the target mark et’s culture is essential in ensuring a firm’s survival. Culture in this regard is the collective social occurrence that goes on to affect the HRM practices in an organization operating in a particular cultural context. A culture of a people is a phenomenon that cannot be changed due to the fact that it has been with them for a long time and that they identify themselves with it. Culture in this respect gives one their

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tax memorandum and dividend Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tax memorandum and dividend - Essay Example She makes 16 to 17 hour trips for every trip and takes naps at suitable locations where she stops. While Mark captains a ferry boat that takes up to 15 to 17 hours journeys with 6 to 7 hour overlay. During the over lay Mark takes a four hour nap at the cot restored in the pilot house. The applicable law in these two cases is the overnight rule which is found in section 162(a) (2) of the internal revenue Code of 1954. Specific issues Is Tracy allowed to deduct the cost of meals purchased during the trip? And is Mark allowed to deduct the cost of meals purchased during the trip? The overnight rule only applies if the nature of the taxpayer’s employment is such that it requires him to sleep or rest when away from home. His expenditures which include incidental expenses such as tips are deductible travelling expenses this under section 162(a) (2) of the 1954 Code. It however does not include the brief period of time whereby an employee may be released from duty for the purpose of eating rather than sleeping. In normal circumstances meals are normally nondeductible under section 262 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. For meals to be deductible as travelling expenses the petitioner has to prove that the meals were eaten while they were travelling away from home in carrying out their employment duties or trade as well as to show they slept substantially away from home. Conclusion Tracy was therefore not eligible for a deduction under the overnight rule, as per the Frederick. J. Barry, pro se. She was only eligible for tax deduction on entertainment expenses during the trips that she made. While Mark was eligible for tax deduction as the layover was mandatory after a 15 to 17 hour shift so as to get the passengers safely back to shore. He was however not going to eligible during the peak season. Support In Marks case, a Ferry captain qualified as being â€Å"away from home† in Code Sec. 162 (a) (2) purposes during off-season tours that were completed w ithin 24 hours and included 6 to 7 hours layovers. This is because of the demanding nature of taxpayer’s job since the captain needed to be alert during the long work hours to ensure passengers and crew safety. This was evidence enough that is was reasonable to obtain sleep and rest to be able meet job exigencies and demands. A 6 to 7 hour layover is more than sufficient duration to reflect increased expenses incurrence. This was not applicable though during peak season tours because rest periods during those hours were not part of the layover released time. The Ferryboat captain deduction for M&IE incurred during off-season tours that were 15 to 17 hours long were subject to Code Sec. 274 (n)(1) deduction limitation. Expenses, which taxpayer computed and substantiated pursuant to operative revenue procedures and federal rate, were treated as food and beverage expenses within meaning of Code Sec. 274(n) (1). In Tracy’s case Frederick J. Barry, pro se. Barry argued that the meals paid for during the 17 hour to 18 hour trips he made to see his clients was deductible under section 162(a), independently of section 163(a) (2). Barry made this trips and stopped at a suitable place to rest in the car before he went back home. He kept a blanket and a pillow in his car for this purpose. The petitioner did not substantially show that his meals where under the ordinary and necessary provision section 162 (a). The case was found to be indistinguishable from Correl. The petitioner was therefore not away from home when section 162(a) (2) was considered during his one day trips during 1966. The petitioner kept detailed records of amounts spent on meals during his one day trips in 1966, this amounted to $, 348.47. From that amount $1, 535. 26, was deductible as entertainment exp

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The solitary Reaper Essay Example for Free

The solitary Reaper Essay Wordsworth is depicting a girl at the fields reaping and singing alone, the sound of the girl is magnificient and it makes him to tell people recognise and listen! her , it is underpinned that the poet does not even understand the content of the song, yet he is enchanted by it, and lastly it is indicated that this is a memory and the poet feds up with this memory to write the poem, one of the distinctive features of Wordsworths verse. The poem is structured in four stanzas. The first imagines the poet listening the Solitary reaper who is Highland lass and tells people to notice her and not to disturb her, he commands them to listen her. The ryhme on profound and sound are connecting the words both in the sound and the meaning ; the comparision of the beauty of the sound of the girl is the subject of the next stanza. The poet is admiring the girls singing even without understanding it and trying to guess the content of it in the third stanza, however the final stanza is infers that the song is charming and stays in the memory. The poem is depicted at the nature and with the first stanza the poet depicts a field and a Lass who is cuts and binds the grain, with this simple words a scene become visible in the mind of the reader and with the command for to listen the melancholy song of the girl, the sound sense is active of the reader and its attached with the poem. The comparasion of her voice with Nightingale which is from Arabian sands and cuckoo-bird from farthest Hebrides suggests that around the song the solitary reaper sings is universal like a birds voice, its suggesting that even people not able to understand the meaning of the sound, humans are the part of the nature too, therefore the sound of a girl is enchanting more than a birds voice, cause its like a birds sound in a way and its more than it in other way, it has feelings in it which can be understandable by any other people without knowing the features of the language which she sings. The sadness, happiness, melancholy as suggested in the poem are not belong to any language, all of these feelings are belong to humans not the tongue, therefore the sound of the girl is understandable at a level, and the meaning of it can be predictable by the tone of it, the poet wonder what the song is about and from the tone of it, he makes some suggestings. The guesses pointed out are kind of things anyone arounf the globe can face with, and can suffer from,such as sorrow, loss, or pain the poet underpins the natural habitat of human and how it is alike. At the last stanza, the poet is indicating that the meaning of the song is not that important. The poem is written with iambic tetrameter, it intensifies the tone of admiration and enthusiasm. First and last stanza begins calmly, with the end-stopped and open lines suggesting that the poet is in control of his thoughts and feelings. However at the second and third stanza, it seems that this cannot be contained in open lines and must burst out into the following ones, culminating in an enthusiastic, joyful mindset to end lines with the enjambments suggest spurts of emotion . The praise for mountains and pastures, for nature, is the main subject of the poem, the effect of beauty and memory at the poet is also described at the last stanza therefore the theme of the poem is like other poets of Wordsworth, nature and human, and effect of these figures on human memory.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Causes and Effects of the Civil War Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Did you know America’s bloodiest battle fought on their own soil was the Civil War? The Civil War was fought on American soil between the northern states and the southern states. Many causes provoked the war, which would affect the nation for decades to come. Slavery, the Missouri Compromise, and John Brown’s attack on Harpers Ferry, Virginia, were some of the many causes. In turn hundreds of thousands of soldiers died, the South’s economy was devastated, and the northern ideals flourished.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the later 1700’s to 1863, slavery was an intricate part of the South. Slaves were needed for plantation work like planting, caring for, and harvesting crops to maintaining the land. After Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, more slaves were needed to keep up with the increased cotton production. In the South their belief was African-Americans were property. On the other hand, the North’s economy was based on industry and manufacturing powered by European immigrants. They believed slavery was wrong and inhumane and African-Americans are just as human as everybody else. These two different views are one of the major reasons that led to the Civil War.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Americans in the early nation agreed that slavery was legal south of the Ohio River and illegal north of the Ohio River. However, in 1819 the issue came up should Missouri be admitted to the union as a slave state or a non-slave state since Missouri ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

A Spirit in the Mix: an Analysis of “I Used to Live Here Once”

13 September 2009 A Spirit in the Mix: An Analysis of â€Å"I Used to Live Here Once† For the story, â€Å"I Used to Live Here Once† by Jean Rhys, we could argue that the story is about a woman who moved away from her homeland to go to a new place and now returns home for a reason not stated. The two children who are playing outside the woman’s old house in the sunshine ignore her. It may be possible that the two children ignore the woman because she left the West Indies to live somewhere else and therefore they believe that she does not exist. Is this what is going on? I believe there is a bigger picture here. The speaker tells us in paragraph three that â€Å"that the sky had a glassy look†¦. † This may be because the woman visitor does not see with her own eyes any more, or it could be that she does see with her own eyes and can see the true nature of the sky. The speaker tells us in paragraph five that the woman sees two children outside her home playing. The woman calls to them but â€Å"they didn’t answer†¦Ã¢â‚¬  her. In the next two paragraphs, the speaker tells us that the woman calls out to the children two more times but still they did not reply. We can assume that the children ignore the woman because the children do not know her, or because the woman left her home and has not returned until now. In paragraph eight, the storyteller tells us that the woman is near the two children and they get a sudden chill. This changes the argument that the woman was ignored because she left her home. The woman is ignored not because she left the West Indies, but rather because she does not exist. The woman existed at one point or another, but now she is not at the home that she used to live in physically, meaning she is a spirit, a ghost. She is supernatural. The woman traveler is visiting the West Indies and her home for the last time. She has unfinished duties to perform before she moves on to her next destination. She visits the home because she will depart from there never to return. It may be that visiting her home was her unfinished task. I believe that the woman is a spirit because of the following evidence. The first evidence is, â€Å"The only thing was that the sky had a glassy look that she didn’t remember,† implying that she no longer sees it with physical eyes. The second evidence is, â€Å"There were two children under the mango tree, a boy and a little girl, and she waved to them and called ’Hello’ but they didn’t answer her or turn their heads,† as if they are not able to hear her. The last evidence is the detail that the children have a sudden chill. The boy says, â€Å"Hasn’t it gone cold all of a sudden. † In all the books that I have read dealing with the supernatural, it is common for people get a sudden chill when a spirit is in the mix. All of this evidence points to the fact that the woman is a supernatural being.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Hippie Culture Essay

Few social movements marked the twentieth century in the United States as the protest movement of the 1960s. However, despite the scope and scale of such a wide movement that encapsulated so many different peoples and causes, including voting rights, women’s rights, civil rights, and ending the war in Vietnam, the movement is better known by a stereotype of the type of people that seemed so instrumental in perpetuating the movement: hippies. Though the great majority of those in the protest movement were not hippies, the movies, music, and cultural events that marked the times were dominated by hippie culture, and few events represented this fact as the stereotype-reinforcing Woodstock Music Festival. By the time Woodstock happened in 1969, the hippie movement was already something that had been growing the entire decade and most people who were not hippies had a good idea what a hippie was. If one would have to describe a hippie then, it could be said to be a young man or woman that was dirty, hairy, unemployed, and on drugs. While these are only a few attributes ascribed to a few hippies, the stereotypes became so strong that they were hard to remove from the other significant contributions they made, including in music, art, culture, and social awareness. So, while hippies were far more complex than most people chose to see them, they were pigeonholed to the stereotype of spoiled middle-class kids with too much time and freedom, and who refused to do their patriotic duties as their mothers and fathers had done before them, most specifically by starting families and fighting in the country’s wars. However, the decade leading up to Woodstock only helped reinforce many of these stereotypes. Hippie culture could have been said to begin the words and ideas of the Beat writers such as Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, and others. These writers laid the foundation for the rebellious, anti-establishment ideals that would come to be so strongly embraced by the hippie culture during the 1960s. However, it would be Bob Dylan, who was strongly influenced by the Beats, who would use their ideas in his folk music. Dylan’s popularity not only made folk music popular, but his songwriting also tackled many of the issues of the time, including war, civil rights, and the basic questions of whether America was heading in the right direction, and if not, why. Dylan’s music influenced the songwriting of almost every major recording artist that came after him, or at least any that achieved any amount of success. Through Dylan and those he influenced, music became the first defining characteristic of hippie culture, showing a long history of music defining cultural movements and times through its almost religious effect on those that listen to it. Religious forces, like art, music, and everything that inspires classification as sacred, Emile Durkheim (1965) writes: â€Å"do not translate the manner in which physical things affect our senses, but the way in which the collective consciousness acts upon individual consciousnesses† (1965, p. 254). Music has the ability to act as a symbol of this collective consciousness, bringing the masses together to celebrate a shared philosophy or perspective. While many contend that art and music is nothing more than an escape from the everyday anxieties that life offers up, it is far more than that. Similar to the sacred in religion, which Durkheim asserts is not rooted in fear as humanist and existentialist theorists claim, but in the idealism of the collective mentality, music becomes sacred when presented in a way that appeals to the individual and the collective. Music and those who perform it act in ways similar to religious totems, representing the ideals of the collective and how they inhabit the individual, and take their roots in exhalation and celebration. According to Durkheim, â€Å"In fine, the sentiments at the root of totemism are those of happy confidence rather than terror and compression† (1965, p. 56). Music became the inspiration for hippie culture and gave them the confidence to fight back against ideals they saw as wrong, including the Vietnam War. There was no better representation of this than Woodstock. The Woodstock Music & Art Festival that took place on a farm near Woodstock, New York, August 15 through August 18, 1969 not only assembled some of the greatest rock, pop, and folk musicians of the day, but also had a half million enthusiastic young and old fans celebrating life and music in a concert that changed the way the younger generation was viewed. After Woodstock, the burgeoning counter culture exploded into the mainstream, as the entire United States realized that the hippie culture was a force that could not be ignored, and its icons such as The Who, Crosby, Stills, and Nash, and Jimi Hendrix reinforced many of the stereotypes of long hair, reckless behavior, and sexuality. Woodstock would become a legendary orgy of drug use, sexual intercourse, nudity, and mud, but also of peace, love, and a general togetherness that also characterized hippie culture. Another popular stereotype was the hippie general disregard for all authority, and Woodstock was no different. Over one-hundred thousand tickets had been sold to the event, but soon fans were crashing over fences and simply began streaming in to see the show (Woodstock. com, 2009). However, there were very few incidents of violence and the festival went on to become one of the iconic points in the culture of the 1960s. It also marked the beginning of the end of hippie culture. Woodstock was the last hurrah for a generation of young men and women that did their best to rebel against the previous generations and create their own persona. Unfortunately, stereotypes were rich and long concerning hippie culture, and Woodstock did well to encourage both the good and bad stereotypes. They displayed their amazing music and free-loving culture, but also their drug abuse and contentment with filth. By the time the 1970s began, hippie culture was all but dead, even though many of the hippies continued to live on. Today, hippies are seen as largely a joke and very superficial, which may speak of their ultimate failure to live up to their own ideals. The country is still largely conservative in many regards, still refuses many of the ideals of peace and love that the hippies inspired, and is still at war with foreign countries. Hippies are now seen in modern form as environmentalists, annoying activists for un-American or unethical causes, potheads or vegetarians. Hippies are no longer seen as a viable threat to the conservative ideals of the United States, and have in essence become all style and no substance. While stereotypes helped perpetuate the romantic notion of the idealistic hippie, they just as equally helped destroy a notion that never really existed in the first place.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

JAVA 2 essays

JAVA 2 essays December 1999 Sun Microsystems publicly released a series of eighty mini-programs known as Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) which are designed to enhance large corporate servers. This two-year project had been undertaken by numerous programmers from dozens of companies, working together on what they believed to be an open-source project to enhance the Web-wise Java language created by Sun. Many of these companies now feel betrayed because Sun Microsystems is attempting to levy a royalty against the new release. This decision has especially elicited an angry response from IBM Sun's biggest Java partner which developed 80% of the new release. IBM has taken the lead in its refusal to pay the new fees and many smaller companies are following its lead. This latest incident accents the tenuous Java alliance and highlights problems within the open-source movement (i.e., Linux) ¡Kwhen the profit motive takes over, companies stop playing nice. Java was developed by Sun Microsystems to counter the Microsoft Windows monopoly. Programs written in Java are essentially universally adaptable to run on any type of hardware regardless of underlying operating system. Sun released the technical specifications for open-source use, but still controls the coding standard and Java name. This practice is at the heart of the latest uproar. Companies who develop software using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition must pass a series of Sun compatibility tests while paying three percent of total sales to use the J2EE seal. Sun contends this fee is necessary to defray costs of the Java franchise. Within the past four months only five of two-hundred Java licensees have signed up IBM not being one of them.  ¡We'll support the J2EE extensions but we won't use the J2EE brand, ¡ says Rodney Smith of IBM's Java group. Forbes contends the real issue in this corporate contest is not about royalties it is about control. Although IBM was a major...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A definition for poverty

How poverty is defined Is essential as a starting point to this argument. The definition can fluctuate drastically depending on who you ask. The answers are almost as varied as the proposed solutions. As nice as It Is to Imagine ways to fix the problem we need to first define what the problem Is. If we are looking at poverty as a problem that has existed before us and will almost definitely continue to exist after us we need a definition that can function as a universal. That is a much more difficult ask than saying under X- thousand dollars a year.A brief note: for this definition we will be working with the understanding of economics as a zero sum game, meaning that there is a finite number of resources a society can produce. To accomplish this we will need to start at the very beginning and work our way forward to the present day. As far back as we can go in terms of economics is to look at modern day tribal societies that still use hunter gatherer systems, with little of what we would call modern economics. Although many of these societies are far from deal most people would agree that even by the most broad definition poverty does not exist In them.This Is because of two major reasons, the first Is that In a hunting and gathering society people are the most valuable resource and keeping everyone in the tribe satisfied and healthy is of utmost importance. The second is that without agriculture and industry there can be no surplus and therefore no one can own more goods than anyone else for a significant amount of time. With the advent of agriculture on a large scale people were able to develop surpluses either by skill or y luck and to use those surpluses to their advantage.This is when we start to see classes of people emerge, both those with more wealth than others and those with less. Although early agriculture varied from place to place and time to time generally we can say that this Is when the differences In peoples access to goods reached levels that could be considered poverty. Fundamentally then poverty exists when a fraction of a society Is lacking a surplus of the goods needed for subsistence and another fraction of the society has a wealth of such goods. Poverty cannot exist without wealth, and vice versa.More specifically poverty is living at or below subsistence in a society that produces enough raw goods for each member to live at, but contains many who live above that, and a few who live far above that. Poverty has no quantifiable level and words like subsistence are relative to th e the society in which it exists. Though no definition can be perfect this understanding of poverty does justice to how complicated a phenomenon it is, and importantly emphasizes the irony that poverty can only exist is societies that can produce more than they need to consume.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Rational Choice Theory Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rational Choice Theory - Term Paper Example In criminology, it is employed to explain the criminal behavior. It assumes that the state is responsible for the maintenance of order and for preserving the common good through legislation. The laws control human behavior through swiftness, severity, and certainty of punishments (Phillips, 2011,7). The theory consists of 3 core elements: a reasoning criminal, crime-specific focus and separate analysis of criminal involvement and criminal event (Phillips, 2011, 4). The reasoning criminal element postulates that criminals commit crimes in order to benefit themselves. The element proposes that criminals have specific goals and alternative ways to achieve these goals. In addition, they hold information that assists them in choosing the best alternative to implement their goals. The element on crime specific focus assumes that decision making differs with the nature of a crime, that is, decision making is different for each crime. For instance, the decision making to commit a robbery differs with the decision making to commit burglaries, while the decision making by a burglar to target wealthy neighborhood, differs with the one to target middle class and public housing. The last element addresses three issues: deciding to get involved in a crime, continuing to get involved once one has decided to get involved, and the decision to withdraw from the commission of the crime. On the other hand, criminal event implies the decision to get involved with a specific crime.Â